A Princely Affair: The 74th Monaco Red Cross Ball Lights up Monte Carlo

LL.AA.SS. le Prince Albert II et la Princesse Charlene , Mademoiselle Camille Gottlieb et Monsieur et Madame Gareth Wittstock entoures de leurs invites 74 EME GALA DE LA CROIX ROUGE MONEGASQUE - SOIREE DONNEE AU PROFIT DE LA CROIX-ROUGE MONEGASQUE au Sporting Monte-Carlo en presence de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II, President de la Croix-Rouge monegasque et de S.A.S. la Princesse Charlene Vice-Presidente de la Croix-Rouge monegasque. Monte-Carlo, MONACO - 29/07/2023

Chopard, Belgian artist Philippe Geluck and Robbie Williams all ramped up the glitz factor.

It’s impossible to overstate how inextricably linked the humanitarian organization The International Red Cross – which works towards preventing and easing the suffering of the world’s most needy and vulnerable – is with the Monegasque Royal Family. The Monaco wing of the organization, Croix-Rouge Monegasque, was created in 1948 by Prince Louis II, and was taken over by Princess Grace from 1958 to 1982.

Their Serene Highnesses Prince Albert and Princess Charlene and Ms Camille Gottlieb. The 74th Monaco Red Cross Ball. Monte-Carlo, Monaco – 29/07/2023

Since then, H.S.H. Prince Albert II – whose 40-year presidency was celebrated in December 2022 – has been at the helm: and it was His Serene Highness, along with H.S.H Princess Charlène (Vice-President of the Croix-Rouge Monegasque), who welcomed some 800 guests to the 74th Monaco Red Cross Ball in Salle des Etoiles at Sporting Monte-Carlo on Saturday night.


Following a dazzling fireworks display, French actress Alice Taglioni and Monegasque presenter Yann-Antony Noghès hosted a dinner, once guests had taken in a film outlining all the incredible humanitarian work that Red Cross Monaco has undertaken so far in 2023.

Fireworks. The 74th Monaco Red Cross Ball. Monte-Carlo, Monaco – 29/07/2023

As well as highlighting the organization’s vital work, of course, the evening’s prime purpose was to raise vital funds for current and future initiatives: hence the traditional tombola, which this year included a pink gold Chopard watch set with 38 diamonds, generously donated by Princess Charlene, amongst the six prestigious prizes. Elsewhere, Belgian artist Philippe Geluck offered one of his works of art, “Red Cross cat”.

Their Serene Highnesses Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, and Mr Yann-Antony Noghes and Ms Alice Taglioni. The 74th Monaco Red Cross Ball. Monte-Carlo, Monaco – 29/07/2023

Following the auction, Robbie Williams – an artist who has sold more than 85 million albums world-wide – graced the stage to bring the evening to a rousing crescendo.

Robbie Williams. The 74th Monaco Red Cross Ball. Monte-Carlo, Monaco – 29/07/2023

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